Our Licensed Science of Mind Practitioners are available to support you when you are in need for inspiration or in need of healing for your relationships, finance, health, or career. A Practitioner is always available to remind you of your Divinity. Schedule your session by contacting one of the Practitioners below.

Rev. Rita Andriello-Feren              Rev. Dr. Rita Andriello-Feren, Ordained Minister & Spiritual Director - revrandriello@gmail.com

Rev. Patrick Feren               Rev. Dr. Patrick Feren, Ordained Minister & Spiritual Director - revpferen@gmail.com

                  Rev. Diane Decker, Ordained Minister & Outreach Minister

Rev. Diane is a licensed practitioner and guide who helps individuals apply metaphysical principles to improve their lives. With 20 years experience in Science of Mind philosophy, Rev. Diane assists clients in achieving personal growth and a deeper connection with Spirit. Sessions focus on positive thinking and prayer with amazing results. revdianedecker@gmail.com

                    Melissa Mojo RScP 

Melissa lives the Science of Mind philosophy on a daily basis. She believes that we are all unique, individual fractals of Divine energy living in a harmonious universe of Oneness and that what we think and feel absolutely manifests in our lives. Melissa successfully applied the Science of Mind principles to her own serious life-threatening physical condition and she is now in complete remission and enjoying her life as a healthy person for the first time in three decades. A lifelong explorer of many spiritual practices, Melissa brings a depth of knowledge and compassion to each Science of Mind session — knowing the truth of Spirit, and lifting consciousness above the fractious duality of daily life, to see each situation as unfolding perfectly for a client’s highest good.  Contact her at melissa@m2mojo.com

                    Rose Anne Jones RScP - Rose Anne is one of CSL Kaua`i's very first practioners. Here's what she says about herself and her love for the Science of Mind and Spirit. In 1980, my friend introduced me to CSL and the truth: “Change Your Thinking; Change Your Life”. THAT was a revelation to me! In 1982 I married that friend. We eventually moved to Kaua`i and became Practitioners together.  My NEW THOUGHTS changed my life more than I could have ever imagined!  roseanne818@gmail.com

                    Peggy Jarry RScP -  pjarry805@gmail.com

                    Rev. Dr. Walt Weiss - Hospice Chaplain, Ordained Minister   evolutionary2018@gmail.com