Come Walk the Labyrinth of Love
Transformation and Healing Awaits You!

We welcome walkers Tuesdays through Fridays from 11:00 am to 2:30 pm

All are welcome to join Rev. Dr. Rita for a facilitated walk every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm.

For more information on labyrinths, continue reading below.

The Labyrinth of Love!

            What is a labyrinth? Based in spiritual and cultural traditions, labyrinths are universal and have been in existence for over 4000 years. A labyrinth is not a maze, but contains one spiraling path leading to the center and out again. There are no blind alleys, no tricks or puzzles to solve.

            Walking to the center can symbolize many things, most commonly and metaphorically, one travels to his/her center for peace and reflection, and then walks back out into the world with balance and clarity. Those who walk the labyrinth learn and/or experience something of significance, whether it is a deep transformational experience or just a sigh of relief for having felt peace for just that moment. Walking among the turnings, one loses track of direction and of the outside world, and thus quiets his mind.

            Labyrinths today are walked around the world in churches, state and city parks, schools, prisons, and hospitals. By going online to the Labyrinth Society: you can learn more about labyrinths.

            The Labyrinth here at the Institute of Magnificence, Home of Center for Spiritual Living Kaua`i is a Chartres Labyrinth replica. It found its way here through the vision of Rev. Rita Andriello-Feren and Rev. Patrick Feren, the artwork of Isha Doellgast, and the assistance and follow-through of Melissa Mojo. It was further made possible because of generous donation by Cal Stanny of the Stanny Foundation and Carole Watanabe. The final vector file was created by Nicole at S & S business machines in Lihue. The labyrinth was created in its 40’ x 40’ form by Tim and Bill at TSF Direct in Crystal Lake Illinois. It was laid here in our sacred sanctuary by Bob Layer, Ann Darlington, Steve Cole, Nathalie Kelly, Angela Phillips, Ron Stover, Stream Backinoff, Luis Padilla, Sue Buckley, Susan Wood, Rita Andriello-Feren, Melissa Mojo and Judah Freed. 

How to walk a labyrinth? Begin at the entrance. Take a deep breath and focus your attention within. You may ask a question, of yourself or just use this time to be still and relax. Begin walking at any pace you choose. If someone is ahead of you and going slow, feel free to move around them. As the labyrinth is a one-way path, you will meet those coming out as you walk in. If you do, again, just allow the other person to pass. You’ll know what to do. Stop anytime you wish. Skip! Run! Or, walk like snail! It’s your time. Verbal communication is acceptable labyrinth etiquette, but be sensitive to each other’s energy in this regard.


There are three stages to the labyrinth walk that you can use should you choose. As you walk toward the center, use it as a time of RELEASE. Release anything that is not serving your highest state of being. As you arrive at the center, RECEIVE. You may stay at the center as long as you wish. As you walk out of the labyrinth, you will follow the same path that led you in. As you are walking out, RETURN to the world with any insight you might have gained on your journey. There is no wrong or right way to walk a labyrinth. It is all good.

 The Labyrinth of Love is open Tuesday through Fridays from 11am to 2:30 pm

On the 3rd Tuesday of the month, we hold a facilitated labyrinth walk at 6:30 pm.

Please call before coming to make sure we are open: 808-431-1700